Finding the ideal mattress & pillows for every sleeping position

Posted On: February 9, 2024 by Robert Matijevich

Finding the ideal mattress & pillows for every sleeping position

Quality sleep is vital for our overall well-being, and the right mattress and pillow can make all the difference in achieving a restful night’s sleep. At Mossy Creek Rehab, we understand the importance of choosing the best mattress and pillow that suit your sleeping position. In this guide, we’ll explore the significance of making an informed choice, discuss the various sleep positions, and provide recommendations for the best mattresses and pillows tailored to each sleeping style.

Why is it important to make an informed choice about your mattress and pillow?

Your mattress and pillow play a crucial role in determining the quality of your sleep. Choosing the right ones can alleviate discomfort, reduce the risk of pain, and promote a healthy sleep posture. On the contrary, a poor choice may lead to backaches, neck pain, and disrupted sleep patterns. Investing time in finding the perfect mattress and pillow is an investment in your overall health and well-being.

What types of sleep positions are there?

Understanding your sleep position is key to selecting the right mattress and pillow. People typically fall into three main sleep positions:

1. Back Sleepers: Those who prefer sleeping on their backs often require a mattress that offers proper support to maintain spinal alignment.
2. Side Sleepers: Side sleepers benefit from mattresses with a softer feel, allowing the hips and shoulders to sink in slightly, maintaining proper alignment.
3. Stomach Sleepers: Stomach sleepers need a firm mattress to prevent the lower back from sinking too much. Additionally, a thin pillow or none at all helps maintain a more neutral spine position.

The Best Mattresses for Each Sleeping Position:

The Best Mattress for Back Sleepers:

  • The keyword here is support. Look for a medium-firm mattress that keeps your spine aligned. Memory foam or hybrid mattresses are excellent choices.
  • Memory foam conforms to your body, providing a supportive embrace, while hybrid mattresses combine the best of both worlds: the contouring comfort of memory foam with the added support of innerspring coils. This ensures that your spine stays aligned throughout the night, promoting pain-free and restful sleep.

The Best Mattress for Side Sleepers:

  • Comfort is crucial for side sleepers. Opt for a softer mattress that contours to your body, such as a memory foam mattress.
  • Choose a softer mattress, like a memory foam mattress, that will conform to the shape of your body. Memory foam eases pressure points and reduces discomfort by conforming to the natural contours of your body. This guarantees uninterrupted rest for side sleepers by creating a comfortable and snug sleeping environment.

The Best Mattress for Stomach Sleepers:

  • For stomach sleepers, firmness is essential to keep the hips from sinking too much and resulting in lower back pain. Select a mattress (hybrid or innerspring) that offers sufficient support.
  • Innerspring mattresses provide a firm surface and the support their bodies need to maintain proper spinal alignment. But nowadays, for people who prefer to sleep on their stomachs, hybrid mattresses—which combine both foam and innerspring coils—offer the perfect amount of support and comfort.

The Best Pillows for Each Sleeping Position:

The Best Pillow for Back Sleepers:

  • Back sleepers benefit from a thin or medium-firm pillow that supports the natural curvature of the neck. Memory foam or latex pillows work well.
  • Two good options are memory foam pillows, which mold to your neck for custom support, and latex pillows that stay resilient and cool throughout the night. Choose the one that feels just right, and let it be the backbone of your peaceful sleep.

The Best Pillow for Side Sleepers:

  • Side sleepers need a thicker pillow to keep the head and neck aligned with the spine. Look for a firm pillow with extra loft.
  • Memory foam and down alternative pillows with a good loft are great choices. Find the firmness that suits you, and let your pillow get you a well-aligned, cozy sleep.

The Best Pillow for Stomach Sleepers:

  • Stomach sleepers should consider using a very thin or flat pillow, or even opting for no pillow at all, to prevent neck strain.
  • A minimal loft pillow or a thin feather option works well. For some people, going pillow-free can be surprisingly comfortable. Keep it simple, choose wisely, and let your pillow, or lack thereof, be the key to a chill night’s rest.

General Sleep Tips:

In addition to choosing the right mattress and pillow, here are a couple of general sleep tips to enhance your overall sleep quality:

Fresh air and ventilation:

Ensure your bedroom is well-ventilated. Fresh air promotes better sleep, so crack a window or use an air purifier if needed.


Stay adequately hydrated throughout the day, but be mindful of reducing fluid intake close to bedtime to minimize disruptions during the night.

Exercises for better sleep:

Regular physical activity can contribute to better sleep. Aim for moderate-intensity exercises, such as brisk walking or yoga, for at least 30 minutes a day. However, avoid vigorous workouts close to bedtime, as they may have the opposite effect.


A good night’s sleep starts with the right mattress and pillow. By understanding your sleep position and making informed choices, you can create a perfect environment that promotes overall well-being. At Mossy Creek Rehab, we believe in the power of restful sleep, and we hope this guide helps you make the best choices for your unique sleeping needs. Sweet dreams!

Robert Matijevich

Experienced physical therapist Robert Matijevich earned his B.S. in physical therapy from West Virginia University in 1983. He has more than 30 years of expertise,and is an expert in procedures for spinal and joint mobilization. He is certified in Kinesiotaping, positional vertigo maneuvers, and McKenzie-based spinal methods. Robert has been a co-owner of Mossy Creek Rehab since 2010, and his unshakable dedication has improved the wellbeing of the Jefferson County community for more than 25 years.

Location: Jefferson City

Areas of Expertise: orthopedics,sports medicine, spinal and joint mobilization